I've retrieved a series of objects from the Twitter API, and I want to summarize them. I'm most familiar with analyzing results from a SQL query, but given a series of objects like this:

我从Twitter API中检索了一系列对象,我想总结一下。我最熟悉的是从SQL查询中分析结果,但给出了一系列这样的对象:

array(9) { 
    ["results"]=> array(1) { 
        [0]=> array(9) { 
            ["text"]=> string(14) "4.2 #runlogger" 
            ["to_user_id"]=> NULL 
            ["from_user"]=> string(13) "alexmcpherson" 
            ["id"]=> int(1459499489) 
            ["from_user_id"]=> int(4647988) 
            ["iso_language_code"]=> string(2) "it" 
            ["source"]=> string(59) "<a href="http://twitter.com/">web</a>" 
            ["profile_image_url"]=> string(59) "http://static.twitter.com/images/default_profile_normal.png" 
            ["created_at"]=> string(31) "Sun, 05 Apr 2009 23:10:45 +0000" 
            } } 
["since_id"]=> int(0)
["max_id"]=> int(1461841556) 
["refresh_url"]=> string(35) "?since_id=1461841556&q=%23runlogger" 
["results_per_page"]=> int(15) 
["total"]=> int(1) 
["completed_in"]=> float(0.073063) 
["page"]=> int(1) 
["query"]=> string(12) "%23runlogger" 

Would it be possible to somehow say "for each object where 'from_user=$whoever', tally up the 'text' field, minus the #runlogger"? I can figure out the code once I have the large-scale idea I think, but am not sure how to start in a general way. Would I set each instance of the 'text' field to a variable, then add those variables into an array or something?

是否有可能以某种方式说“对于每个对象'from_user = $ whoever',计算'text'字段,减去#runlogger”?一旦我掌握了大规模的想法,我就可以弄清楚代码,但我不确定如何以一般方式开始。我会将'text'字段的每个实例设置为变量,然后将这些变量添加到数组中吗?

I'm a quick study, but would love some guidance in this problem.



1 个解决方案


Assume that you assign this to an array $array1

假设您将其分配给数组$ array1

foreach($array1['results'] as $currentResult) {

     if($currentResult['from_user'] == $whoever) {

         $strippedTexts = explode(" ", $currentResult['text']);

         $strText .= $strippedTexts[0];



echo $strText;



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