I have a real simple form with a textbox and a button, and my goal is to have an asynchronous request (jQuery: $.ajax) send the text to the server (PHP/mysql a la Joomla) so that it can be added to a database table.

我有一个带有文本框和按钮的简单表单,我的目标是让一个异步请求(jQuery:$ .ajax)将文本发送到服务器(PHP / mysql a la Joomla),以便可以添加到数据库表。

Here's the javascript that is sending the data from the client:


var value= $('#myvalue').val();

$.ajax( {
    type:       "POST",
    url:        "/administrator/index.php",
    data:       {   option: "com_mycomponent",
                    task:   "enterValue",
                    thevalue: value,
                    format: "raw"},
    dataType:   "text",
    success:    reportSavedValue
} );

The problem arises when the user enters text with a space in it. The $_POST variable that I receive has all the spaces stripped out, so that if the user enters "This string has spaces", the server gets the value "Thisstringhasspaces".

当用户输入带有空格的文本时,就会出现问题。我收到的$ _POST变量删除了所有空格,因此如果用户输入“This string has spaces”,服务器将获得值“Thisstringhasspaces”。

I have been googling around, and have found lots of references that I need to use encodeURIComponent. So I have tried it, but now the value that I get from $_POST is "This20string20has20spaces".

我一直在谷歌上搜索,并找到了许多我需要使用encodeURIComponent的参考资料。所以我试过了,但现在我从$ _POST获得的价值是“This20string20has20spaces”。

So it appears to be encoding it the way I would expect, only to have the percent signs stripped instead of the spaces, and leaving the hex numbers.


I'm really confused. It seems that this sort of question is asked and answered everywhere on the web, and everywhere encodeURIComponent is hailed as the silver bullet. But apparently I'm fighting a different breed of lycanthrope. Does anyone have any suggestions?


2 个解决方案



It turns out that there was extra filtering I didn't realize I was performing. Because this was all running through Joomla, I was using JRequest::getCmd('thevalue') instead of $_POST['theValue]. This function, it turns out, filters out all those troublesome characters, like '%'.

事实证明,我没有意识到我正在执行额外的过滤。因为这一切都是通过Joomla运行的,所以我使用的是JRequest :: getCmd('thevalue')而不是$ _POST ['theValue]。事实证明,这个函数可以过滤掉所有那些麻烦的字符,比如'%'。

So the final solution is to use encodeURIComponent on the client, as is unanimously suggested on the web:


var value = encodeURIComponent($('#myvalue').val());

And on the server, to trade getCmd() for getVar() which allows more control over the filtering, in combination with urldecode():


$value = urldecode(JRequest::getvar('thevalue', JREQUEST_ALLOWHTML));

Again, big thanks to Karim79 and Cesar. I dub thee Harker and Helsing -- my heroes for the day! :)

再次,非常感谢Karim79和Cesar。我称你为Harker和Helsing - 我的英雄们! :)


  1. PHP用空格分割文本为数组的方法
  2. 在Javascript中将带有空格的字符串数组转换为小写,然后在Webkit中
  3. javascript encodeURIComponent并将空格转换成+符号
  4. python1.返回一个字符串中出现次数第二多的单词 2.字符串中可能
  5. 计算所有字符,包括linux中的空格
  6. postgresql 数组 多了引号 空格处理
  7. sql2005指定字段插入空格。
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