A <select> might be good for choosing between 3-15 simple items, but how do you deal with 15-100+?

The simplest option would be to just have a plain <select> with a lot of <option>s, but it's not very user friendly. There's a lot of scrolling and it might be hard to find the option you are looking for. The benefit is that you can (maybe with scrolling) see all the options you have.


A more advanced option would be to have a text field with autocomplete. A user types in a letter or two, and search results come back which you choose from. It makes it easier to find the option you are looking for - if you know what you are looking for. The drawback is that the user can't see all the options.

更高级的选项是使文本字段具有自动完成功能。用户输入一两个字母,然后您可以选择搜索结果。它可以让您更轻松地找到您正在寻找的选项 - 如果您知道自己在寻找什么。缺点是用户无法看到所有选项。

An even more advanced option would be to build a "search, list and choose" widget which defaults to show X items, but allows you to search. An advantage of this approach is that I can allow search on multiple attributes and not just the name of the item which is to be selected.


  1. What solutions have you deployed in these situations?
  2. 您在这些情况下部署了哪些解决方案?

  3. Is there a jQuery plugin I should know about?
  4. 有一个我应该知道的jQuery插件吗?

9 个解决方案



  1. The solution that I like to use is provide the user a select list with all the options (should they want to look through it), but provide an autocomplete feature which searches through the list as they type into it. Sort of a hybrid of your first and second options.
  2. 我喜欢使用的解决方案是为用户提供包含所有选项的选择列表(如果他们想要查看它),但提供自动完成功能,在列表中搜索列表时搜索列表。排序第一和第二选项的混合。

  3. As for plug-ins, there are a number out there (as well as documentation which will lead you to more) that can help you here:
    • http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jquery-select-autocomplete
    • http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Autocomplete/autocomplete
    • http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/branches/labs/selectmenu/
  4. 至于插件,那里有一些(以及可以引导您更多的文档)可以帮助您:http://plugins.jquery.com/project/jquery-select-autocomplete http:/ /docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Autocomplete/autocomplete http://jquery-ui.googlecode.com/svn/branches/labs/selectmenu/


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