I'm really stuck here & I think I'm missing something really obvious. Kindly help me out(I'm a beginner in html,javascript)


I have made a dropdown containing a un-ordered list of items that I'm getting populated from JSON.Here'e the code for populating the list:


    var oldJSON = null;
    setTimeout(function main_func() { 
            var counter=0;
            $.getJSON('mydata.json', function(data) { 
                    if(JSON.stringify(oldJSON) != JSON.stringify(data)){ 
                        //$("#notifications").append("<option style=display:none></option>")
                        $.each(data.items, function(i, v) {
                                document.getElementById('test').innerHTML=counter ;
                                $('.dropdown').append('<li><input type="checkbox" value="'+counter+'"id="'+ counter +'"><label for="'+ counter +'"><div id="type">' + v.type +'</div>'+'<div id="text">' +v.text +'</div>'+'<div id="pnr">'+v.pnr+'</div>'+ '</label></li>');
                    oldJSON = data;

Now,my dropdown(consider it a facebook type notification) contains checkbox(for mark as read-haven't implemented it yet). I need to get the values from the checkbox. Right now I'm getting blank values. Could someone please point me in the right direction? Here's my html:


<div id="selected_item"></div>
<section class="main">
    <div class="wrapper-demo">
        <div id="dd" class="wrapper-dropdown-4">
            <ul class="dropdown"></ul>
        <div class="main_func"></div>
        <div id="test"></div>

& here's the javascript to go along with it(which is not working):


$('.dropdown input[type="checkbox"]').on('click', function () {
    var title = $(this).closest('.dropdown').find('input[type="checkbox"]').val(),
    title = $(this).val() + ","; 
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {

Kindly do edit the question if you can frame it better ;) . If its any help,I've pasted my code here for html css json

如果您可以更好地构建问题,请编辑问题;)。如果有任何帮助,我已将我的代码粘贴到html css json

1 个解决方案



try this demo


$('.dropdown input[type="checkbox"]').on('click', function () {
    var title = "";
    $('.dropdown input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(){           
    if ($(this).is(':checked')) {
        if(title != "")
            title = title + ',';

        title = title + $(this).val();            


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  5. [Android]Using Text-to-Speech
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