Hallo guys,


I'm using ASP.NET MVC with jquery and it's going great for now. Just, there is one question that is bothering me. How should I handle urls in jquery methods? I really wouldn't like to hard code it, like here:

我用ASP。NET MVC带有jquery,现在运行得很好。只是,有一个问题困扰着我。如何处理jquery方法中的url ?我真的不喜欢硬编码,比如这里:

 $(function() {  
        $.getJSON("/Home/List", function(data) {  
            var items = "---------------------";  
            $.each(data, function(i, country) {  
                items += "" + country.Text + "";  

       $("#Countries").change(function() {  
           $.getJSON("/Home/States/List/" + $("#Countries > option:selected").attr("value"), function(data) {  
               var items = "---------------------";  
               $.each(data, function(i, state) {  
                   items += "" + state.Text + "";  

It is highly recommended to use HTML helper methods to create links in MVC, like Html.ActionLink, Html.BeginForm so in case that someone change that HomeController is mapped on MyHome instead of Home there will be no problem.

强烈建议使用HTML helper方法在MVC中创建链接,如HTML。ActionLink,Html。如果有人更改HomeController被映射到MyHome而不是Home,那么BeginForm就没有问题了。

So, how not to hard code the url like in example?


Also, I don't want to use ASP.NET Ajax because i agree with this answer asp-net-ajax-vs-jquery-in-asp-net-mvc.

另外,我不想使用ASP。NET Ajax,因为我同意这个答案。



3 个解决方案



You could define multiple global javascript variables:


<script type="text/javascript">
    var listUrl = '<%= Url.Action("Index", "Home") %>';
    var statesListUrl = '<%= Url.Action("States", "Home") %>';

which will be used later by the $.getJSON methods.



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