Can I change the backgroundColor property value using the prop method? I'm new to programming. :)

我可以使用prop方法更改backgroundColor属性值吗?我是编程新手。 :)

This is what I have,



I read the chapters on this book I'm reading and it is my understanding that I can change properties from the DOM using the prop method in jquery. I can change other DOM properties such as className. Why not backgroundColor? Writing this I also tried atr.



In this case, attr does have access to CSS properties, correct? However when using the prop method, we do have access to some CSS properties? Why is backgroundColor created?


I know the best way to go about changing the background color would be to use the css method, in jquery that is. I just wanted to know if or not the prop or atr method can change the background color, and why not, if not. I believe this will give me a better understanding of the DOM.




4 个解决方案



The backgroundColor is nested property of style property of the element so .prop('backgroundColor','red'); won't works here.


Instead, you can set property by getting DOM element. In case there is multiple element then you need to iterate over them.


$('div')[0].style.backgroundColor = 'red';

// if there is multiple elements

$('div').each(function() { = 'red';
<script src=""></script>


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