In our application we want the filter on a date column to prompt the user for a start date and an end date, with the filter returning rows where the field in question falls between (or on) those two dates.


Initial Approach


Our initial approach was to restrict date types to use gte and lte operators, and add the "extra : true" filterable option on the column. This came close, but presented the following problems: A) Each date input could use either the gte (Start) or lte (End) operator, providing undesired flexibility and the option for the user to create a filter that would never return results, and B) Presented a logical comparison (And / Or) that we don't want.


Better Approach


This question has an answer by Matthew Erwin that gets us very close: it allows us to completely re-style the filter entirely, so we can present simply a Start Date input and an End date input. However, what I can't get working is associating the right filter operation with the right input (gte for the Start date, lte for the End date). My custom filter is as follows:

这个问题得到了Matthew Erwin的答案,它让我们非常接近:它允许我们完全重新设置过滤器的样式,因此我们可以简单地提供一个开始日期输入和一个结束日期输入。但是,我无法正常工作的是将正确的过滤操作与正确的输入相关联(开始日期为gte,结束日期为lte)。我的自定义过滤器如下:

    $scope.dateFilter = {
    extra: true,
    operators: {},
    ui: function (element) {
        var parent = element.parent();
        while (parent.children().length > 1)

            "Start Date:<br/><span class=\"k-widget k-datepicker k-header\">" +
            "<span class=\"k-picker-wrap k-state-default\">" +
            "<input data-bind=\"value: filters[0].value\" class=\"k-input\" type=\"text\" data-role=\"datepicker\"" +
            " style=\"width: 100%\" role=\"textbox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" aria-disabled=\"false\" " +
            " aria-readonly=\"false\" aria-label=\"Choose a date\">" +
            "<span unselectable=\"on\" class=\"k-select\" role=\"button\">" +
            "<span unselectable=\"on\" class=\"k-icon k-i-calendar\">select</span></span></span></span>" +

            "<br/>End Date:<br/>" +
            "<span class=\"k-widget k-datepicker k-header\"><span class=\"k-picker-wrap k-state-default\">" +
            "<input data-bind=\"value: filters[1].value\" class=\"k-input\" type=\"text\" data-role=\"datepicker\"" +
            " style=\"width: 100%\" role=\"textbox\" aria-haspopup=\"true\" aria-expanded=\"false\" " +
            " aria-disabled=\"false\" aria-readonly=\"false\" aria-label=\"Choose a date\">" +
            "<span unselectable=\"on\" class=\"k-select\" role=\"button\">" +
            "<span unselectable=\"on\" class=\"k-icon k-i-calendar\">select</span></span></span></span>"

With this approach, the Odata filter option is generated for each of the dates, however it uses the eq Equal To operator, so no values are ever returned. We aren't building filters specifically on the data source.

使用此方法,将为每个日期生成Odata过滤器选项,但它使用eq Equal To运算符,因此不会返回任何值。我们没有专门针对数据源构建过滤器。

Is there a simple way I can associate each of those date inputs with a specific filter operator? Is there a better way to approach this subject? It seems like filtering dates based on a Start - End range would be commonly desired.

有没有一种简单的方法可以将每个日期输入与特定的过滤器运算符相关联?有没有更好的方法来解决这个问题?似乎通常需要基于开始 - 结束范围过滤日期。

Other Details


We are using AngularJS, and WebAPI with Odata.


2 个解决方案



After working with Telerik, I came to an answer. The thread that I opened can be found here, but I'll also summarize in this answer.


The ultimate solution was to:


  • Use the "Messages" option of the column "filterable" option to customize the filter display message.
  • 使用“filterable”列中的“Messages”选项可自定义过滤器显示消息。
  • Use the "Extra" option of the column "filterable" option to get the extra Date selector in the filter menu.
  • 使用“filterable”列选项的“Extra”选项可以在过滤器菜单中获取额外的Date选择器。
  • Configure the "Operators" option in the grid filterable option to set what operators can be used for dates (gte, lte) and what text is displayed for each (Begin Date, End Date).
  • 在网格可过滤选项中配置“运算符”选项,以设置可用于日期(gte,lte)的运算符以及为每个运算符显示的文本(开始日期,结束日期)。
  • Use the filterMenuInit event to configure the filter controls.
  • 使用filterMenuInit事件配置筛选器控件。

End Result


Column Filterable


The following filterable options were used:


filterable: { "extra": "true", "messages": { "info": "Show items between dates:" }}

Extra gives us the second date selector, and the "info" message customizes the text displayed at the top of the filter menu.


Grid Filterable


I used the "operators" option in the grid-level "filterable" option to make date filters only provide the gte and lte operators, and to customize the text for those operators. This is what the operators configuration object wound up looking like:


"date": {
                "gte": "Begin Date",
                "lte": "End Date"

Because we want this to apply for all dates, we put that in a factory and reuse it in each angular controller / view.


filterMenuInit Event


By providing a handler for the filterMenuInit event, you can access and configure the individual controls in the filter menu as it is created. The handler function that I created looks like this:


function (e) {
            if (e.sender.dataSource.options.schema.model.fields[e.field].type == "date") {
                var beginOperator = e.container.find("[data-role=dropdownlist]:eq(0)").data("kendoDropDownList");

                var logicOperator = e.container.find("[data-role=dropdownlist]:eq(1)").data("kendoDropDownList");

                var endOperator = e.container.find("[data-role=dropdownlist]:eq(2)").data("kendoDropDownList");

Specifically, for any date field, this function sets the first and last dropdown operators to "gte" and "lte" respectfully (Those are the dropdowns for the first date operator and the second date operator), and sets all of the dropdowns to read-only so the user can't change them (the only other dropdown, which is at index 1, is the logical comparison - only And makes sense, so we don't let users change it.)

具体来说,对于任何日期字段,此函数将第一个和最后一个下拉运算符设置为“gte”和“lte”(这些是第一个日期运算符和第二个日期运算符的下拉列表),并将所有下拉列表设置为读取 - 因此用户无法更改它们(唯一的另一个下拉列表,即索引1,是逻辑比较 - 仅有意义,因此我们不允许用户更改它。)

This function applies this configuration for any fields that are of "date" type. I did it this way so that I could create this function once, put it in an Angular factory, and then reuse it for any grid that I needed. If you don't want to apply this as a blanket configuration across all of your date columns, you can change the conditional to check for fields by name. Example:


if (e.field == "fieldName")

Hopefully this will be helpful to someone else. This doesn't give you ultimate customization of the UI in the filter menu, but it does let you simply set up a filter between two dates. I'm sure someone clever could merge this with my original strategy (replacing the markup for the filter menu entirely) to come up with something completely customized.



  1. HTML显示日期时间代码 - [js 特效代码]
  2. phpcms日期--汉字与数字的转换
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  6. 使用date_default_timezone_set和日期的可能的PHP bug ?
  7. 关于PHP 读取EXCEL时间(不是日期)的问题
  8. Laravel 5验证日期为php Y格式。g 2015 ?
  9. 将纪元时间转换为日期PHP


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