I have data in my mysql table in the following format as below image,


What i am trying to do is to generate the attendance report for a month as in below format.


I am newbie, suggest me how can i perform this.


1 个解决方案



First of all, you have data in your database. now you want to show the data in front end by customizing it. so which technology you are using like AWT,Swing, JSP, jsf , Spring MVC or whatever.(in java) You have to create front-end like tables or columns as you shown in an image. so for that you have to configure and place the proper placeholder. you have to do mappings and customization also.

首先,您的数据库中有数据。现在,您希望通过自定义来显示前端数据。所以你使用的技术如AWT,Swing,JSP,jsf,Spring MVC等等。(在java中)你必须创建像图像中所示的前端,如表格或列。因此,您必须配置并放置正确的占位符。你还必须做映射和定制。

First let me know which technology you want to use.



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