If I define a simple string variable, how would I count and output the number of vowels in the string in the simplest possible way?


I have searched and found a number of similar ways to do so, but most seem more complex than necessary. They are all functional and maybe the complexity IS necessary, but I am looking for the simplest solution possible.


My string variable would be something like:


$someString = "This is some text with some more text and even more text."

I just want to display the total instances of a,e,i,o,u. Thank you in advance.

我只想显示a e I o u的所有实例。提前谢谢你。

10 个解决方案



Here's an easy solution:


$string = "This is some text with some more text and even more text.";
echo "There are <strong>".preg_match_all('/[aeiou]/i',$string,$matches)." vowels</strong> in the string <strong>".$string."</strong>";


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