I'm storing a varchar in a utf8 MySQL table and using utf8_general_ci collation. I have a unique index on the varchar. I'd like to do a string comparison in PHP that is equivalent to what MySQL will do on the index.

我将varchar存储在utf8 MySQL表中并使用utf8_general_ci排序规则。我在varchar上有一个唯一的索引。我想在PHP中进行字符串比较,这与MySQL在索引上的操作相同。

A specific example is that I'd like to be able to detect that 'a' is considered equivalent to 'À' in PHP before this happens:


mysql> insert UniTest (str) values ('a');                                   
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> insert UniTest (str) values ('À');                                   
ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry 'À' for key 1

5 个解决方案



The collation has nothing to do with the storage. You need to set the charset to determine the storage encoding. The collation governs how comparison and sorting should happen. The collation must be charset aware, but otherwise it has nothing to do with the charset.


To answer your question, you can use iconv to translitter the text, and then compare it. For example:


function compare($s1, $s2) {
  return strcmp(
    iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $s1),
    iconv('UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT', $s2));

This is basically what MySql will do for you, although it's probably faster and it may have a slightly different collation-table than ISO-8859-1//TRANSLIT. Not entirely sure about that.

这基本上是MySql将为您做的,虽然它可能更快,并且它可能与ISO-8859-1 // TRANSLIT略有不同的校对表。对此并不完全确定。

Would probably be easier to use the database though, as others have already suggested.



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