I want to force all users to log in before accessing pages of my site. I have followed Larry Ullman's tutorial Forcing Login for All Pages in Yii.

我想强制所有用户在访问我的网站页面之前登录。我已经关注了Larry Ullman的教程强制登录Yii中的所有页面。

According to the tutorial you can make an exception for some pages to avoid redirecting to the log in page. In order to check the current controller it has checked $_GET value. My problem is that I have used urlManager to rewrite the URL and $_GET gives me a null value. Is there any method I can use to get the current controller and action in the score of my class?

根据教程,您可以为某些页面设置例外,以避免重定向到登录页面。为了检查当前控制器,它检查了$ _GET值。我的问题是我使用urlManager重写URL,$ _GET给我一个空值。有没有什么方法可以用来获得当前控制器和我班级成绩的动作?

I tried the following but it is not accessible in the scope of my component class:



8 个解决方案



Yes you can get the current controller/action route, by reversing urlManager rule:




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