This section of the app shows the minimal information of a user's task. When they click the "view details" button it will take them to a page that has more information about that specific CAR based on is ID.

应用程序的这个部分显示了用户任务的最小信息。当他们点击“查看详细信息”按钮时,它会将他们带到一个页面,该页面基于is ID提供关于特定汽车的更多信息。

Here is a pic to help explain the first part of what I am talking about:


Here is my angular code: EDIT - Added ui-router code


angular.module('ngApp', ['ui.router'])
.factory('authInterceptor', authInterceptor)
.constant('API', '')
.controller('task', taskData)
.controller('carDetails', carDetails)
.controller('myCars', myCars)

.config(function($httpProvider, $stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider){



  .state('cars', {
    url: '/cars',
    templateUrl: 'cars.html'

  .state('carDetails', {
    url: '/carDetails',
    templateUrl: 'mycar_details.html',
    controller: 'carDetails'

  .state('taskDetails', {
    url: '/taskDetails',
    templateUrl: 'task_details.html',
    controller: 'taskData'

function carDetails($scope, $http, API) {
  $http.get( API + '/car/**THE CAR ID**' ).
  success(function(data) {
    $scope.details = data;

EDIT - Button HTML:

编辑- HTML按钮:

<a ng-click="" ui-sref="carDetails">View Details</a>

As you can see each CAR has its own unique ID (of course). I can display the ID by using:


ng-repeat="task in mainTask.Tasks"

{{ task['CAR ID'] }} // in the html

But I need this to do two things:


  1. When the user clicks the View button I need it to take them to another page titled car_details.html. That page will make use of the "carDetails" controller which will display all the info for the CAR.


  2. When a user clicks that same button I need somehow to take that specific ID of that CAR ( {{ task['CAR ID'] }} ) being displayed in that tile and then somehow pass it to the carDetails function in the spot that says:

    当用户单击相同的按钮时,我需要以某种方式将该汽车的特定ID({{任务['CAR ID']})显示在该tile中,然后以某种方式将其传递给该位置的carDetails函数,该函数表示:

    $http.get( API + '/car/THE CAR ID' )

    美元http。获取(API + '/car/THE car ID')

Where "THE CAR ID' needs to have the ID passed to it of the CAR who's "view details" button was just clicked. So that when the car_details.html page opens it will have all the correct content loaded for that car.


EDIT - The routes work good in the main html file with ui-view. But I just cant figure out how to pass the unique ID from each of the tiles JSON ID key when their respective "view details" button is clicked.

编辑-路由在主html文件和ui-view中很好地工作。但是我不知道如何在每次单击tile的“视图细节”按钮时,从每个花砖JSON ID键传递唯一的ID。

I hope I have been clear enough. Let me know if I haven't and I will try to give you more info.


Thanks for the help!


5 个解决方案



There are 2 commonly accepted ways (that I know of) to handle this. The first, most popular, and most highly recommended way is to use a service or factory. The other is to use the router and routeParams to pass the ID of the card to the details controller.


I have no idea how you plan on displaying your details page (either using the router to navigate to a new page, or a directive to simply hide/show some hidden DOM elements), but a service/factory can be used in BOTH situations, where as the routeParams can only be used in one.


(I also highly recommend you follow, as closely as possible, the angular style guide here: if you want to save yourself a lot of headaches)


angular.module('ngApp', [])
.service('CarDetailService', CarDetailService)
.controller('task', taskData)
.controller('carDetails', carDetails);

CarDetailService.$inject = ['$http', 'API'];
function CarDetailService($http, API) {
  var CarDetailService = this;
  CarDetailService.setCar = function(carId) {
    CarDetailService.carId = carId;

  CarDetailService.getCar = function() {
    return $http.get(API + "/car/" + CarDetailService.carId);

taskData.$inject = ['$scope', '$http', 'API', 'CarDetailService'];
function taskData($scope, $http, API, CarDetailService) {
  $http.get( API + '/tasks' ).
  success(function(data) {
    $scope.mainTask = data;

  $scope.selectCar = function(carId) {
    $location.url('/car-details-route');  //go to details page

carDetails.$inject = ['$scope', 'CarDetailService'];
function carDetails($scope, CarDetailService) {
  CarDetailService.getCar().success(function(details) {
    $scope.details = details;

And your ng-repeat would look somthing like this:


<div ng-repeat="task in mainTask.tasks" ng-click="selectCar(task['Car ID'])">
  {{task['Car ID']}}

The service is a singleton, meaning that the id will persist through route changes and controller existences.


The other way, is to use $routeParams. The docs for that are here:$routeParams

另一种方法是使用$routeParams。相关的文档如下:$ routeParams

$routeParams allows you to add your ID into the path which is read by the router and passed to the controller:


angular.module('ngApp', []).config(function($routeProvider) {

  $routeProvider.when('/car-details-route/:carId', {
    controller: 'carDetails',
    templateUrl: 'car-details.html'

.controller('task', taskData)
.controller('carDetails', carDetails);

taskData.$inject = ['$scope', '$location'];
function taskData($scope, $location) {
  $http.get( API + '/tasks' ).
  success(function(data) {
    $scope.mainTask = data;

  $scope.selectCar = function(carId) {

carDetails.$inject = ['$scope', 'API', '$routeParams'];
function carDetails($scope, API, $routeParams) {
  $http.get(API + "/cars/" + $routeParams.carId).success(function(details) {
    $scope.details = details;


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  2. iframe操作、调用父页面元素或js函数
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