I am trying to get the data out of this JSON format to be able to show on screen problem is I am not sure how I would be able to do this as I have tried multiple ways such as :


$stats = json_decode($result);
// var_dump($stats);
echo $stats->elo;

And nothing is working I am unsure how to get the data due to the [], as I have never worked with this before. As shown below is a small piece of the data I need to be able to get into.



Thanks in advance


5 个解决方案



There is a simple rule of thumb when processing JSON. First just decode it and print it using a print_r() so you can see its structure easily


$s = '[{"_id":{"championId":51,"role":"DUO_CARRY"},"elo":"BRONZE","patch":"7.11","championId":51,"positions":{"deaths":3,"winRates":6,"minionsKilled":2,"previousOverallPerformanceScore":6}}]';

$stats = json_decode($s);


Which will show you in this case


    [0] => stdClass Object
            [_id] => stdClass Object
                    [championId] => 51
                    [role] => DUO_CARRY
            [elo] => BRONZE
            [patch] => 7.11
            [championId] => 51
            [positions] => stdClass Object
                    [deaths] => 3
                    [winRates] => 6
                    [minionsKilled] => 2
                    [previousOverallPerformanceScore] => 6

So now you know there is an array containing in this case only one object


So to show elo you could do a simple


echo $stats[0]->elo;    // BRONZE

But as it is an array of object it may be better to assume in some cases there will be more than one stat so you could process it in a foreach loop like this


foreach ($stats as $stat) {
    echo $stat->elo;


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