I can't imagine for myself a good answer for this, so I thought of asking it here. In my mind, I'm always wondering what will happen if the AUTO INCREMENT PRIMARY ID column in my MySQL table exhausted?


Say for example, I have a table which has two columns. An ID (auto increment, primary, BIGINT unsigned) and DESC (VARCHAR 255). I know for sure BIGINT is a lot, but it can reach its limit. How do I handle the scenario wherein in case the ID reach its limit? Do I need another server? If then how can I sync it? Is this the right way? Any insights friends.

例如,我有一个表,它有两列。ID(自动增量、主数据、未签名的数据)和DESC (VARCHAR 255)。我肯定BIGINT很多,但是它可以达到它的极限。如果ID达到极限,我该如何处理这种情况?我需要另一台服务器吗?如果是这样,我如何同步它?这条路对吗?任何见解的朋友。

4 个解决方案



It won't run out.


The max bigint is 9223372036854775807 . At 1000 inserts/second that's 106751991167 days worth. Almost 300 million years, if my maths is right.

max bigint是9223372036854775807。1000个插入/秒,106751991167天。差不多有3亿年了,如果我的数学是对的。

Even if you partition it out, using offsets where say 100 servers each have a dedicated sub-range of the values (x*100+0 ... x*100+99), you're not going to run out. 10,000 machines doing 100,000 inserts/second might get you there in about three centuries. Of course, that's more transactions per second than the New York Stock Exchange for hundreds of years solid...


If you do exceed the data type size limit of the generated key, new inserts will fail. In PostgreSQL (since you've tagged this PostgreSQL) with a bigserial you'll see:


CREATE TABLE bigserialtest ( id bigserial primary key, dummy text );
SELECT setval('bigserialtest_id_seq', 9223372036854775807);
INSERT INTO bigserialtest ( dummy ) VALUES ('spam');

ERROR:  nextval: reached maximum value of sequence "bigserialtest_id_seq" (9223372036854775807)

For an ordinary serial you'll get a different error, because the sequence is always 64-bit, so you'll reach the point where you have to change the key type to bigint or get an error like:


regress=# SELECT setval('serialtest_id_seq', 2147483647);
regress=# INSERT INTO serialtest (dummy) VALUES ('ham');
ERROR:  integer out of range

If you truly believe that it's possible for your site to reach the limit on a bigint in your application, you could use a composite key - say (shard_id, subkey) - or a uuid key.


Trying to deal with this in a new application is premature optimization. Seriously, from a new application to that kind of growth, will you be using the same schema? Or database engine? Or even codebase?


You might as well worry about GUID collisions in GUID keyed systems. After all, the birthday paradox means that GUID collisions are more likely than you think - at incredibly, insanely unlikely.


Furthermore, as Barry Brown points out in the comments, you'll never store that much data. This is only a concern for high churn tables with insanely high transaction rates. In those tables, the application just needs to be capable of coping with the key being reset to zero, entries renumbered, or other coping strategies. Honestly, though, even a high traffic message queue table isn't going to top out.

此外,正如Barry Brown在评论中指出的,你永远不会存储那么多的数据。这只是对高流动表和高得惊人的交易率的关注。在这些表中,应用程序只需要能够处理被重置为零的密钥、重新编号的条目或其他应对策略。不过,老实说,即使是一个高流量的消息队列表也不可能达到顶点。



  • this IBM info on serial exhaustion
  • 这是IBM关于串行耗尽的信息
  • A recent blog post on this topic
  • 最近一篇关于这个话题的博客文章

Seriously, even if you build the next Gootwitfacegram, this won't be a problem until way past the use-by date of your third application rewrite...



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