I have designer and design table


designer has many designs


I want to get all designers with 10 designs for each designer


Is there way I can do it in a single query in either postgresql, mysql


3 个解决方案



For best performance in Postgres (not possible in MySQL) use a LATERAL join:

为了在Postgres中获得最佳性能(在MySQL中不可能),请使用LATERAL join:

SELECT d.designer, d1.design  -- whatever columns you need
FROM   designer d
   SELECT *                   -- or just needed columns
   FROM   design
   WHERE  designer_id = d.designer_id
   -- ORDER  BY ???           -- you may want to pick certain designs
   LIMIT  10
   ) d1 ON true
ORDER  BY d.designer_id, d.design_id;  -- or whatever

This gives you 10 designs per designer - or as many as he/she has if there are fewer.

这为每位设计师提供了10个设计 - 如果有更少的设计,则可以为他/她提供多少设计。

  • LEFT JOIN LATERAL ... ON true keeps designers in the result that don't have a single design (yet).

    LEFT JOIN LATERAL ... ON true使设计师在结果中没有单一设计(尚未)。

    • What is the difference between LATERAL and a subquery in PostgreSQL?
    • LATERAL和PostgreSQL中的子查询有什么区别?

    • Call a set-returning function with an array argument multiple times
    • 多次调用带有数组参数的set-returns函数

  • You get best performance if you add an ORDER BY clause that matches an existing index on design like:

    如果添加与设计上的现有索引匹配的ORDER BY子句,则可获得最佳性能,如:

    CREATE INDEX foo ON design (designer_id, design_id)

    Then, in the subquery d1 in above query:


    ORDER  BY design_id

    Now Postgres can pick the top items from the index directly.


Related answer with more details:


  • Limit number of rows per group from join (NOT to 1 row)
  • 限制每组加入的行数(不是1行)


  1. 避免写出不走索引的SQL, MySQL
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  7. MySQL判断索引存在并删除索引的存储过程
  8. 0926MySQL中ICP索引下推
  9. mysql 操作索引FORCE INDEX


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