Is it possible to specify "USE INDEX" or "FORCE INDEX" in CodeIgniter, other than using



What I mean is if it's possible to insert "FORCE INDEX" somewhere in one of ActiveRecord's methods.

我的意思是,如果可以在ActiveRecord的某个方法中插入“FORCE INDEX”。

1 个解决方案



You can use the from() active record method to add this in queries like this:


$this->db->like('name', 'user', 'after')->from('users use index (name)')->get();

produces sql query like this:


 SELECT * FROM (`users` use index (name)) WHERE  `name`  LIKE 'user%'

One caveat is that the from() method tries to find identifiers and multiple tables so adding one or more , to it's input is most likely to end up as an SQL syntax error.



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