I'm working on a website that manages food. Keeping track of expiration dates and the such.


When a users dashboard loads, it shows a list of the food items they've currently added along with info about them, Brand, Location (Fridge,Pantry,Freezer), and expiration date.


I have the items in a html table, drawing their values from php echos of the rows of a food table I created.


What I want to do is change the text of the expiration date to red when there is about a 3 day difference between the current date and the set expiration date.


Here's my code for putting the values in the table.



while($rows = mysql_fetch_array($sql2))


              <td><b><?php echo $rows['Name'] ?></td>
              <td><b><?php echo $rows['Brand'] ?></td>
              <td><b><?php echo $rows['Type'] ?></td>
              <td><b><?php echo $rows['Container'] ?></td>
              <td><b><?php echo $rows['ExpirationDate'] ?></td>



$sql2 holds a query of all the foods owned by the user.


So how would I create a conditional that would make this work out?


2 个解决方案



$date1 = new DateTime("now");
$date2 = $rows['ExpirationDate'];
$difference = $date1->diff($date2);
$days = $difference->d;
$class = '';
if ($days <= 3)
    $class = 'class="expired"';

Then add the $class variable to each table cell. If the difference between dates is 3 days or less, it will add class="expired" otherwise it will add nothing. Then just style the .expired class to have red text.


You will most likely have to format your $date2 variable, but how to do that depends on the format it's currently in...



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