My task is (or was) simple: There is a variety but finite types of "Post", each with a vastly different set of properties while all sharing a couple core properties (like: Title, Content, Published, etc)


What I set out to do, was create a base Post entity with all the shared properties (as mentioned above), and have this entity as sort of a "Governor" entity, but more on that in a second. All the different Category entities would extend off of this base Post entity.


I did it this way mostly to appeal to the strengths of the Symfony Form API. There are just way too many fields per different Category type to warrant not doing something a bit automated. With the Form API, I can have Symfony use Doctrine to automatically create the editable fields on a page and populate each field with the acquired value when editing (or blank if unpopulated or new), without me having to individually provide them in HTML.

我这样做主要是为了吸引Symfony Form API的优势。每种不同的类别类型都有太多的字段,以保证不会做一些自动化的事情。使用Form API,我可以让Symfony使用Doctrine自动在页面上创建可编辑字段,并在编辑时使用获取的值填充每个字段(如果未填充或新填充,则填充空白),而不必单独以HTML格式提供。

When I said "Governor" I meant I also wanted the base Post to have it's own Repository, and ideally no associated table. This repository could be used to do certain tasks which is Post Type agnostic, such as a findAll() override that would query each of the Category repositories and merge the results into one result (for example)

当我说“州长”时,我的意思是我也希望基础邮局拥有它自己的存储库,理想情况下没有关联的表。此存储库可用于执行某些与Post Type无关的任务,例如findAll()覆盖,它将查询每个Category存储库并将结果合并为一个结果(例如)

Ideally I just wanted to define the unique property of each category in exactly one location, the Entity, and it would reflect across the entirety of the site. Rather than defining it in the entity, the Edit Form, the front end, table fields, etc.


the problem

It seems to be messing up the built in queries which I have not overridden.


consider (please note the bolded text):


An exception occurred while executing 'SELECT AS id2, t1.title AS title3, t1.slug AS slug4, t1.date_added AS date_added5, t1.date_updated AS date_updated6, t1.content AS content7, t1.published AS published8, t1.uid AS uid9, [SENSITIVE FIELDS REDACTED] FROM PostCategoryTest t1 WHERE = ?' with params ["1"]:

执行'SELECT AS id2,t1.title AS title3,t1.slug AS slug4,t1.date_added AS date_added5,t1.date_updated AS date_updated6,t1.content AS content7,t1.published AS published8,t1时发生异常.uid AS uid9,[敏感字段已删除]来自PostCategoryTest t1 WHERE =?'用params [“1”]:

SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause'

SQLSTATE [42S22]:未找到列:1054'where子句'中的未知列''

This is caused when I call a basic $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(PostCategoryTest::DoctrinePath)->find(1)

当我调用基本$ this-> getDoctrine() - > getRepository(PostCategoryTest :: DoctrinePath) - > find(1)时会导致这种情况

The source



namespace CommonBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * Post
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="CommonBundle\Entity\PostRepository")
abstract class Post
     * @var integer
     * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="integer")
     * @ORM\Id
     * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
    protected $id;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="title", type="string", length=255)
    protected $title;

     * @var string
     * @ORM\Column(name="slug", type="string", length=255)
    protected $slug;

    //... and so on and so fourth



namespace CommonBundle\Entity;

use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * Post
 * @ORM\Table(options={"comment":"Post subclass"})
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="CommonBundle\Entity\PostCategoryTestRepository")
class PostCategoryTest extends Post
    const DoctrinePath = "CommonBundle:PostCategoryTest";

    // ... all sensitive information redacted, sorry
    // setup just like a standard entity however, nothing special 

I do understand there's many more ways to accomplish this, and I may just go ahead and do that as this has provided a few more headaches than I had expected. But for sake of education, I'd like to understand why Doctrine is doing this exactly. This problem never happened when extendsing BaseUser from FOSUserBundle


1 个解决方案


According to Doctrine's documentation, there are 3 ways to extend a class:


  • Mapped superclass: the parent class is not an entity.
  • 映射的超类:父类不是实体。

  • Single table inheritance: one big table for all data (including the extra fields).
  • 单表继承:所有数据的一个大表(包括额外的字段)。

  • Class table inheritance: one main table, plus an extra table for each entity with extra fields.
  • 类表继承:一个主表,以及每个具有额外字段的实体的额外表。

You either want the single table inheritance or the class table inheritance.


The mapped superclass won't work because you want the parent class Post to be a standalone entity. In that case the Post class you should not define it as abstract.


Unless you have a large amount of extra fields you should probably use single table inheritance.



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