I have a problem. When a user uploads a file it goes in a filesystem and the filename is being uploaded in DB. After uploading the file, the user should see in a list all his filenames including the new uploaded file. All this should be done without reloading the page. I got everything fine except this auto refresh list. I'm using Laravel and Dropzone.js. This is the route


Route::get('/', function () {

return View::make('index')->with('files', DB::table('files')->select('filename')->get()) });

And here I loop all the results


@foreach($files as $file)
    <li>{{ $file->filename }}</li>

And the problem as I said is updating the list with the new uploaded name withould refreshing the page


1 个解决方案



After uploading a file, you need to append a new <li> to your list with the new filename.


  • 附加到列表中。

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