I'm really stuck here. Im having an array looking like this below. And now I would like to count postStatus where postStatus = 0, for all of the arrays.

我真的被困在这里了。我有一个如下所示的阵列。现在我想计算postStatus,其中postStatus = 0,适用于所有数组。

So in this case there would be 2. But how do I do this?


[1] => Array
        [postId] => 1
        [postHeader] => Post-besked #1
        [postContent] => Post content #1 
        [postDate] => 2011-12-27 17:33:11
        [postStatus] => 0

[2] => Array
        [postId] => 2
        [postHeader] => Post-besked #2 
        [postContent] => POst content #2
        [postDate] => 2011-12-27 17:33:36
        [postStatus] => 0

3 个解决方案



Just loop the outer array, check if there is a postStatus, increment a value to keep that count and you're done...


$postStatus = 0;
foreach($myarray as $myarraycontent){
    if(isset($myarraycontent['postStatus']) && $myarraycontent['postStatus'] == 0){
echo $postStatus;



I forgot to mention that isset() can be used but a better pratice is to use array_key_exists because if $myarraycontent['postStatus'] is NULL, it will return false. Thats the way isset() works...

我忘了提到可以使用isset()但是更好的实践是使用array_key_exists,因为如果$ myarraycontent ['postStatus']为NULL,它将返回false。这就是isset()的工作原理......


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