I want to create a word file .docx from my data that exist in database. To do this job I am using a phpword 0.12.0 . I need to draw a table to place data inside it. After that I need to fetch every row from table in database to automatically go in cell of new line. I can do this job with

我想从数据库中的数据创建一个word文件。docx。为了完成这项工作,我使用了phpword 0.12.0。我需要画一个表格来放置数据。之后,我需要从数据库中的表中获取每一行,以自动进入新行的单元格。我可以做这项工作


but without table, now how can I do this job in cell inside the table? I am using below code, but it doesn't work.


$table->addCell(2000, $styleCell)->addText(htmlspecialchars('test1'), $fontStyle);
$table->addCell(2000, $styleCell)->addText(htmlspecialchars('test2'), $fontStyle);
$table->addCell(2000, $styleCell)->addText(htmlspecialchars('test3'), $fontStyle);
$table->addCell(2000, $styleCell)->addText(htmlspecialchars('test4'), $fontStyle);
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
      $table->addCell(2000)->addText(htmlspecialchars($topic{$i}),array('name' => 'Segoe UI Semilight'));
      $table->addCell(3000)->addText(htmlspecialchars($axis{$i}),array('rtl' => true,'name' => 'Segoe UI Semilight'));
      $table->addCell(2000)->addText(htmlspecialchars($area{$i}),array('rtl' => true,'name' => 'Segoe UI Semilight'));
      $table->addCell(2000)->addText(htmlspecialchars($i),array('rtl' => true,'name' => 'Segoe UI Semilight'));

2 个解决方案



You must first create a cell object, and then use addText


    $c1->addText("Cell 1");
    $c1->addText("New line");


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