I use the following code to iterate through the files in a folder and have the data loaded onto a MYSQL table. I couldn't quite get this working. Is there any better solution?


if ($handle = opendir('C:\Documents and Settings\Desktop\CSV Files')) {
while(false !== ($entry = readdir($handle)))
mysql_query("LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE %handle
                          INTO TABLE main_table
                          TERMINATED BY ','
                          OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"'
                          ESCAPED BY '"'
                          LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'
                          IGNORE 1 LINES")

1 个解决方案



There is so much wrong with your code it's hard to pick where to begin...


  • Your directory path is not escaped.
  • 您的目录路径未转义。

  • You do not have anything to tell you that the directory cannot be opened.
  • 您没有任何要告诉您的目录无法打开。

  • %handle is not a PHP variable, and it's the wrong variable besides.
  • %handle不是PHP变量,除此之外它是错误的变量。

  • $entry is just the filename, not the full path.
  • $ entry只是文件名,而不是完整路径。

  • there's no semicolon at the end of the mysql_query() call.
  • 在mysql_query()调用结束时没有分号。

  • Your 'enclose' and 'escape' chars are both ", neither of which were escaped.
  • 你的'封闭'和'逃脱'字符都是“,两者都没有逃脱。

  • echo the query instead of running it to be sure it's formed correctly if it's not working.
  • 回显查询而不是运行它,以确保它正确形成,如果它不工作。

  • You never actually check to see if the query was successful.
  • 您实际上从未检查过查询是否成功。

  • turn on error reporting, because you've got some glaring parse errors that should make this script fail before it even runs.
  • 打开错误报告,因为你有一些明显的解析错误,应该使这个脚本在运行之前失败。

  • and the ever-popular: mysql_* functions are deprecated, you should be using PDO or MySQLi.
  • 并且不受欢迎的:mysql_ *函数已被弃用,您应该使用PDO或MySQLi。

So this should probably work a:


define('DEBUG', true);

$basedir = 'C:\\Documents and Settings\\Desktop\\CSV Files\\';
if ($handle = opendir($basedir)) {
  while(false !== ($entry = readdir($handle))) {
    $query = "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE $basedir$entry
                INTO TABLE main_table
                TERMINATED BY ','
                OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"'
                ESCAPED BY '\\'
                LINES TERMINATED BY '\r\n'
                IGNORE 1 LINES");
    if(DEBUG) { echo $query . "\n"; }
    if(!mysql_query($query)) {
      die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
} else {
  echo "Could not open $basedir";


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