I'm using jQuery's getJSON function to return a JsonResult from my controller page.


Here's the jQuery code in the web page:


    $.getJSON("/Test/GetJsonWFA", null, function (data) {
        $(data).each(function () {
            alert("call succeeded");

And here's the controller code:


    public JsonResult GetJsonWFA() {

    List<WorkFlowAssignment> listWFAs = new List<WorkFlowAssignment>();
    listWFAs.Add(new WorkFlowAssignment() { ID = 1, WorkFlowName = "WorkFlowName1" });
    listWFAs.Add(new WorkFlowAssignment() { ID = 2, WorkFlowName = "WorkFlowName2" });

    return Json(listWFAs, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);


I'm getting the following error: 500 Internal Server Error.


If I replace the WorkFlowAssignment in GetJsonWFA with a trivial class everything works.


It seems to be related to the type of object in the list.


The WorkFlowAssignment class has many properties and methods.


Can anyone point me in the right direction?


1 个解决方案



I suspect that your WorkFlowAssignment model has some circular references which cannot be JSON serialized. I would recommend you to use a view model and break any possible circular references. Another advantage of using a view model is that you will send to the client only the properties it actually needs in order to do the processing. You don't need to transfer over the wire some complex stuff that the client will never need. So for example if everything that your client needs is the ID and the WorkFlowName do this:


public ActionResult GetJsonWFA() {
    List<WorkFlowAssignment> listWFAs = ... 

    var viewModel = listWFAs.Select(x => new {
        ID = x.ID,
        WorkFlowName = x.WorkFlowName
    return Json(viewModel, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

and on the client:


$.getJSON("/Test/GetJsonWFA", null, function (data) {
    $.each(data, function (index, item) {
        alert('ID = ' + item.ID + ', WorkFlowName = ' + item.WorkFlowName);

Also you should use debugging tools such as FireBug or Developer Toolbar to inspect the AJAX request that your browser sends and analyze the server response for eventual errors. When an AJAX request fails your first reaction as a developer should be to launch your debugging tool and see exactly what request/response is being sent.

此外,您应该使用调试工具(如FireBug或Developer Toolbar)来检查浏览器发送的AJAX请求,并分析服务器响应以发现最终错误。当AJAX请求失败时,您作为开发人员的第一反应应该是启动调试工具并确切地查看正在发送的请求/响应。


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