I have radio buttons which are observable and depending on the value i want to trigger a GETJSON method to return my data and then push it to an observable array that i am displaying as a list. The error i am getting is Cannot read property 'push' of undefined. Here is my Fiddle


How do i get this Data to my observable Array after the radio button is clicked triggering the getjson method?


self.currentAnswer = ko.observable();
    self.recipientList = ko.observableArray([]);
self.currentAnswer.subscribe(function (newValue) {
    if (newValue == 'Internal') {
        $.getJSON('GetInfo', function (data) {
            var result = $.parseJSON(data);



2 个解决方案



Things to consider:


  • $.getJSON() will parse the JSON for you, you never need to do that yourself. This is also true for $.get(). (*)
  • $ .getJSON()将为您解析JSON,您自己永远不需要这样做。 $ .get()也是如此。 (*)
  • Knockout observables are functions. You can use them as callbacks. (**)
  • Knockout observables是函数。您可以将它们用作回调。 (**)

With this knowledge:


self.recipientList = ko.observableArray();
self.currentAnswer = ko.observable();
self.currentAnswer.subscribe(function (newValue) {
    if (newValue == 'Internal') {

(*) If you do not get parsed JSON in your success callback, fix the Content-Type header of your response.


(**) If you call an observable and pass a value as first argument, it will store that value. Coincidentally jQuery calls Ajax success callbacks passing the returned value as the first parameter. Perfect fit.



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