I have a grid to which I can dynamically add rows and columns. Each column has a checkbox next to it and checking it makes all checkboxes for that column be selected.


It looks like this:


Below is my code to add columns by clicking the "Add another column" button.


$('#btnAddCol').click(function () {
        var trow = $(this);
        var columnName = $('#colorName').val()
        if(trow.index() === 1){
          trow.append('<th > ' + columnName + ' <input type="checkbox" class="colmaster"/>');
        }else if (trow.index() > 1){
            trow.append('<td><input type="checkbox" name="'+columnName+'" class="child" /></td>');
    iter += 1;

And here is the code for selecting all checkboxes in the column.


 var idx = $(this).parent().index();
 $('#colorgrid td:nth-child(' + (idx + 1) + ') input.child').prop('checked', this.checked);

Question For the newly added columns, justadded in the screenshot above, when I check the checkbox it doesn't seem to select all checkboxes in that column


Here is a working fiddle for everything: http://jsfiddle.net/y55nn1qx/4/


2 个解决方案



$('.colmaster').click will only bind the event to .colmaster elements that exist at the time of running the code. Try something like this:


$('#colorgrid').on('click', '.colmaster', function() {
     // insert your .colmaster.click code here

Here's the jQuery API reference for on.

这是关于on的jQuery API参考。


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