When a function is attached to an object and called:


function f() { return this.x; }
var o = {x: 20};
o.func = f;
o.func(); //evaluates to 20

this refers to the object that the function was called as a method of. It's equivalent to doing f.call(o).


When the function is called not as part of an object, this refers to the global object. How do I check if a function is being called from a non-object context? Is there any standard keyword to access the global object? Is the only way to do it something like this?


globalobj = this;
function f() { if (this == globalobj) doSomething(); }

Note: I have no particular use case in mind here - I actually am asking about this exact mechanism.

注意:我在这里没有特别的用例 - 我实际上是在询问这个确切的机制。

3 个解决方案


The global object is actually the window so you can do


if (this === window)


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