I have a large amount of datarows in a json file which i load via ajax.


I then create quite some html code containing some of the data for each row like this.


var gl = $("#gameslist");
$.each(DATA.games, function(index, value) {
  gl.append( '<div>... lots of html code here ... '+value.somedata+'</div>');

this seems to be quite slow, especially on the mobile safari browser. are there any tricks or jquery plugins to speed this up?


edit: as requested, here is the ajax call:


  dataType: "json",
  url: "../games.json"
    DATA = gamesjson;
    buildPage(); // this one is calling the above code
    console.log("games.json error");

2 个解决方案



It's slow cause DATA.games can be huge, and you're calling (ok, a cached) $("#gameslist")
but you're using append() for every loop iteration.

这很慢,因为DATA.games可能很大,而你正在调用(ok,a cached)$(“#gameslist”),但你在每次循环迭代时都使用append()。

To speed up things, create a variable that will hold the string representation of your HTML (containing DIVs and the data) , than inside a for loop append to string using += than once the loop is over append only once to your $("#gameslist")

为了加快速度,创建一个变量来保存HTML的字符串表示(包含DIV和数据),而不是在for循环中使用+ =附加到字符串中,而不是一旦循环结束只追加到$(“ #gameslist“)

Here I created a live demo to show you the drastic difference:


For only 1000 iterations and a HTML complexity of only 4 elements/iteration
Using .append() inside loop = ~100ms
Using .append() only once (after loop) = ~30ms

只有1000次迭代,HTML复杂度只有4个元素/迭代在循环中使用.append()= ~100ms只使用.append()一次(循环后)= ~30ms

Both tests in for loop... That was all just about using .append() in the right way / place.


Now back about the differences in speed between $.each and the good old for, I've found an interesting jsPerf:

现在回过头来讨论$ .each和good old之间的速度差异,我发现了一个有趣的jsPerf:

http://jsperf.com/browser-diet-jquery-each-vs-for-loop (Note: higher is better)


Memo: Test snippet:

var initialTime = new Date().getTime();

for(var i=0; i<10000; i++){
   // your code

console.log( new Date.getTime() - initialTime ); // ms


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