I have a weird problem. I have a simple textarea, Once a save button is clicked I save that data using an angular controller. Then once an update button is clicked I update a row in that data base, that one of that rows fields is the data from that textarea.


So far so good, and the update is done ok, the problem begins when I break lines in the textarea, for example, I type: "Hi guys, This is another row"


I checked that data and when I save it in the controller, and when I get it back from the server it looks like this: "Hi guys,↵This is another row" seems ok, but when I place it inside a div I get the following: "Hi guys,This is another row"


Where did the line break go? and why is it not displaying?


I tried bunch of things, like changing the newline to <br> once send to the database, later on switching it back to newline, nothing seems to work...


Any help would be appreciated.


3 个解决方案



Okay - what you need to do is use white-space:pre-wrap; where you display the data from the database.




echo '<p style="white-space:pre-wrap;">'.$yourVarWithWhiteSpace.'</p>';


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