I am simply changing changing the color and background-color of a button when I click on it.


<input type="button" value="click me" id="myButton" onclick="ChangeColor()"/>

The CSS of this button contains CSS transition for the color and background-color, however, on the :hover pseudo-element I didn't add any styles, I didn't change the color.


     /* These transitions are supposed to change the color in case I hover over the button */
     -webkit-transition: background 0.5s,color 0.5s;
        -moz-transition: background 0.5s,color 0.5s;
            transition: background 0.5s,color 0.5s;
     /* But since there's nothing here, the color won't change when I hover */

Now, when I change the styles via JavaScript, they change while using the transitions, means, the colors will change after 0.5s, and not instantly.


function ChangeColor()
   document.getElementById("myButton").style.color = "#FFFFFF";
   document.getElementById("myButton").style.backgroundColor = "#3399FF";

This is a really good thing, and I like it, but I'm just wondering, how does JavaScript respect CSS3 transitions? Is there any documentation for this?


2 个解决方案



Your transitions are applied whenever the value of the property is changed. It doesn't matter whether you change it on hover, focus, resize (with a media query for example), click or any other event via JavaScript.


In general, you have a transition between two states of the element. You first define the initial state:


#myButton {
     color: #39f;
     background: #fff;
     transition: .5s;

When you change the value of either of those two properties (and it doesn't matter whether you do this using the :hover pseudo-class or JavaScript), your element will go into another state and you are going to have a transition between the values of the properties from the initial state and those from this new state.



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