I wanted to ask, I have an array and I want to eliminate some elements in the array with elements that I have stored in an array, so the illustrations like this:


array1 = process, of, gathering, mature, crops, from, the, fields, Reaping, is, the, cutting array2 = of, from, the, is, a, an

array1 =进程,收集,成熟,庄稼,来自,领域,收割,是,切割array2 =,from,the,is,a,an

if there are elements in array1 is also an element of array2. then these elements will be eliminated.


the method I use like this:


var array1 = ["of","gathering","mature","crops","from","the","fields","Reaping","is","the","cutting"];
var kata = new Array();
kata[0] = " is ";
kata[1] = " the ";
kata[3] = " of ";
kata[4] = " a ";
kata[5] = " from ";

for(var i=0,regex; i<kata.length; i++){
        var regex = new RegExp(kata[i],"gi");
        array1 = array1.replace(regex," ");

why I can not immediately eliminate the elements of array?


I had been using the method: when I want to eliminate some elements that are in array1 then the array is my first change into a string by means of:


var kataptg = array1.join (" ");

however, if using that method there are several elements that should be lost but can be lost because the pattern did not like the array kata as above.


suppose the word "of", the pattern of the array kata = "of"; but on the pattern array1 = "of";

假设单词“of”,数组的模式kata =“of”;但在模式array1 =“of”;

how do these elements can be removed even though the writing patterns differ from those in the array kata?


3 个解决方案



# Simplified from
# http://phrogz.net/JS/Classes/ExtendingJavaScriptObjectsAndClasses.html#example5
   var a1=this;
   for (var i=a1.length-1;i>=0;--i){ 
      for (var j=0,len=a2.length;j<len;j++) if (a2[j]==a1[i]) {
   return a1;

var a1 = "process of gathering mature crops from the fields".split(" ");
var a2 = "of from the is a an".split(" ");
console.log(a1.join(' '));
// process gathering mature crops fields

If performance is an issue, there are clearly better ways that are not O(m*n), such as pushing the words from a2 into a object for constant-time lookup so that it's a linear-time pass through the source array to drop the ignored words, O(m+n):

如果性能是一个问题,那么显然有更好的方法不是O(m * n),例如将a2中的单词推入对象进行恒定时间查找,这样它就是线性时间通过源数组而下降忽略的单词,O(m + n):

var a1 = "process of gathering mature crops from the fields".split(" ");
var a2 = "of from the is a an".split(" ");
var ignores = {};
for (var i=a2.length-1;i>=0;--i) ignores[a2[i]] = true;
for (var i=a1.length-1;i>=0;--i) if (ignores[a1[i]]) a1.splice(i,1);
console.log(a1.join(' '));
// process gathering mature crops fields

Here's one more solution using regex (probably O(m+n)):

这是使用正则表达式的另一个解决方案(可能是O(m + n)):

var s1 = "process of gathering mature crops from the fields";
var a2 = "of from the is a an".split(" ");
var re = new RegExp( "\\b(?:"+a2.join("|")+")\\b\\s*", "gi" );
var s2 = s1.replace( re, '' );
console.log( re ); // /\b(?:of|from|the|is|a|an)\b/gi
console.log( s2 ); // "process gathering mature crops fields"


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