I am using Express.js as http server. Defined all my routes.


Most endpoints need to verify session before returning a response. E.g. below code serves users in the system and list of services respectively:


function getUsers(req, res, next) {
  verifyUser(req, res, next, function () {
      //serve users

function getServices(req, res, next) {
  verifyUser(req, res, next, function () {
    //serve services

You probably noticed there is a verifyUser function which validates the session. Which is as below.


function verifyUser(req, res, next, callback) {
  var sessionKey = req.cookies.sessionKey;
  var user = users.userBySession(sessionKey);
  if (user) {
    callback(req, res, next, user);
  } else {
      message: 'Unauthorized'

As you can see I keep passing in req, res and next parameters along with a callback whenever I use this function.


I tried to use apply function to make it easier. Changed my getUsers function like this:


function getUsers(req, res, next) {
    .apply(null, arguments, function () {
      //serve users

The problem with this approach is callback is not passed into verifyUser function. And I don't really like passing null as scope with each call.


How can I achieve this by writing less and better code ? Any ideas?


2 个解决方案



You could use bind to create a 'partial function':


// create bound responseHelper object
var responseHelper = verifyUser.bind(null, req, res, next);

// usage
responseHelper(getUsersCallback); // same as verifyUser(req, res, next, getusersCallBack);


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