I've spend almost an hour reading similar posts but still no success on formating a single input field to mask input values in format (00:00).


So far here's the code but don't know why it doesn't work:


        this.value=this.value.toString().replace(/^(([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]|[0-9])|([0-1][0-9]|2[0-3]|[0-9])(:|h)[0-5]?[0-9]?)$/, "$1");

4 个解决方案



Take this as a toy answer if you like, but I made a method to mask the 24h time input as the user types it because in your question you have


$('.houronly').keyup(function(){ .. }

so I presume you want masking while the user is typing.


As the user types in 24h clock times, impossible key sequences should be truncated or rejected on the fly. I made a series of replacement rules that build on previous rules to accomplish this. When the input loses focus, a final check for 24h time validity is performed.


Now, in your original regex, you have (:|h) so I assume you want to allow times formatted like "23h".




function replaceBadInputs(val) {
  // Replace impossible inputs as they appear
  val = val.replace(/[^\dh:]/, "");
  val = val.replace(/^[^0-2]/, "");
  val = val.replace(/^([2-9])[4-9]/, "$1");
  val = val.replace(/^\d[:h]/, "");
  val = val.replace(/^([01][0-9])[^:h]/, "$1");
  val = val.replace(/^(2[0-3])[^:h]/, "$1");      
  val = val.replace(/^(\d{2}[:h])[^0-5]/, "$1");
  val = val.replace(/^(\d{2}h)./, "$1");      
  val = val.replace(/^(\d{2}:[0-5])[^0-9]/, "$1");
  val = val.replace(/^(\d{2}:\d[0-9])./, "$1");
  return val;

// Apply input rules as the user types or pastes input
  var val = this.value;
  var lastLength;
  do {
    // Loop over the input to apply rules repeately to pasted inputs
    lastLength = val.length;
    val = replaceBadInputs(val);
  } while(val.length > 0 && lastLength !== val.length);
  this.value = val;

// Check the final result when the input has lost focus
  var val = this.value;
  val = (/^(([01][0-9]|2[0-3])h)|(([01][0-9]|2[0-3]):[0-5][0-9])$/.test(val) ? val : "");
  this.value = val;



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