I am trying to add logging to my Django app using EventLog. I followed an example online but not sure how to pass in the user that makes the changes. The example shows it as user=self.user. Obviously this wouldn't work in my case as it doesn't refer to anything in my model

我正在尝试使用EventLog将日志记录添加到我的Django应用程序中。我在线跟踪了一个示例,但不确定如何传入进行更改的用户。该示例将其显示为user = self.user。显然这在我的情况下不起作用,因为它没有引用我的模型中的任何东西


class Client(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=50)

    def save(self, *args, **kwargs):
            # Initial Save
            if not self.pk:
                log(user=self.user, action='ADD_CLIENT',
                    extra={'id': self.id})
                log(user=self.user, action='UPDATED_CLIENT',
                    extra={'id': self.id})

           super(Client, self).save(*args, **kwargs)

1 个解决方案



The save method will only know what has been passed into it, this will normally not include the request which is where you would get the current user (request.user).


You should instead add logging in the view which is calling the save method.


user = request.user


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