What is the proper way in AngularJS to disconnect bindings?


I have a none-angular application which is loading a component that uses angularjs to do data-binding. At some point I want to destroy the component and want to be sure that there are no memory leaks. How do I tell angular to remove all event listeners from that part of the DOM?


Would $(node).remove() do the trick, or does angular do other things in memory that need to be cleaned up...? Any other tips on avoiding mem-leaks in angular would be appreciated.


1 个解决方案



Just removing a DOM element that has a Scope with something like remove() will not get rid of the Scope in memory. You can confirm this by removing an element and looking in Batarang, or by getting the parent scope and examining it's children. You'll see the scope is still there.... So you'll also want to call $destroy() on the Scope itself.

只需删除具有类似remove()之类的Scope的DOM元素,就不会删除内存中的Scope。您可以通过删除元素并查看Batarang,或通过获取父范围并检查其子项来确认这一点。你会看到范围仍然存在....所以你也想在Scope本身上调用$ destroy()。

More information about $destroy() can be found here.

有关$ destroy()的更多信息,请点击此处。

EDIT: One thing I'm not sure of, is if it deletes the scope entirely, or just disconnects it and lets JavaScript GC take care of the rest.

编辑:我不确定的一件事是,它是否完全删除了作用域,或者只是断开它并让JavaScript GC处理其余部分。


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