All the ExtJS documentation and examples I have read suggest calling superclass methods like this:


MyApp.MyPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
  initComponent: function() {
    // do something MyPanel specific here...;

I have been using this pattern for quite some time and the main problem is, that when you rename your class then you also have to change all the calls to superclass methods. That's quite inconvenient, often I will forget and then I have to track down strange errors.


But reading the source of Ext.extend() I discovered, that instead I could use the superclass() or super() methods that Ext.extend() adds to the prototype:


MyApp.MyPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.Panel, {
  initComponent: function() {
    // do something MyPanel specific here...

In this code renaming MyPanel to something else is simple - I just have to change the one line.

在这段代码中,将MyPanel重命名为其他东西很简单 - 我只需更改一行。

But I have doubts...


  • I haven't seen this documented anywhere and the old wisdom says, I shouldn't rely on undocumented behaviour.


  • I didn't found a single use of these superclass() and supr() methods in ExtJS source code. Why create them when you aren't going to use them?


  • Maybe these methods were used in some older version of ExtJS but are deprecated now? But it seems such a useful feature, why would you deprecate it?


So, should I use these methods or not?


6 个解决方案



Yes indeed, supr() isn't documented. I've been looking forward to using it in ExtJS 3.0.0 (an Ext staff member replied in the forums, they had added it in that version), but it seems horribly broken.

是的,supr()没有记录。我一直期待在ExtJS 3.0.0中使用它(一个Ext工作人员在论坛中回复,他们已经在该版本中添加了它),但它看起来非常糟糕。

It currently does not traverse the inheritance hierarchy, but rather go up one level, then gets stuck on this level, loops endlessly and blows up the stack (IIRC). So, if you have two or more supr() in a row, your app will break. I have not found any useful information on supr() in neither the docs nor the forums.


I don't know about the maintenance releases 3.0.x, since I did not get an support license ...



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