I've got problems with setting focus to an input field after validating it.


I've got 2 fields: from and to.


   <spring:message code="template.fields.label.from"/>: 
       <mvc:input  path="templateFields.selectorRangeFrom" 
   <spring:message code="template.fields.label.to"/>: 
      <mvc:input path="templateFields.selectorRangeTo"   

And I've got method validateNumber() which validates the field and returns false if the field is invalid, true otherwise. However the focus never stays on invalid number, it will always go the next object.


function validateNumber(index,isInteger) {
 var object = document.getElementById(index);
 var value = object.value;   
 if (testNumeric2(value,isInteger)==false)   {
     alert('Please correct the value: ' + value);               
     return false;  
return true;    

I have found out that if I add: event.returnValue=false (before returning false), then it works for IE. But I can't find the solution for Firefox.

我发现如果我添加:event.returnValue = false(在返回false之前),那么它适用于IE。但我找不到Firefox的解决方案。

Thanks for any suggestions, matali


2 个解决方案


setTimeout() allows you to defer the execution of a function for a number of milliseconds - if you use zero, this simply means, "do this as soon as you're done with whatever you're doing now" - handling the event, in your case.

setTimeout()允许你将函数的执行推迟几毫秒 - 如果你使用零,这只是意味着,“一旦你完成了你正在做的任何事情,就这样做” - 处理事件,在你的情况下。

Try this:

if (! /** check field **/) {
   /** show error **/
   setTimeout((function() { object.focus() }), 0);

Basically you would be creating a function that will focus your input box, and then instructing the browser to call it as soon as it's done doing the default handling of the event.



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