#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
    printf("%d", sizeof(signed int) > -1);
    return 0;

the result is 0 (FALSE). how can it be? Im using 64bit ubuntu linux so the result should be (4 > -1) => 1 => True.

结果是0 (FALSE)。为什么会这样呢?我使用64位ubuntu linux,所以结果应该是(4 > -1)=> 1 =>为真。

3 个解决方案



sizeof(signed int) has type size_t, which is an unsigned type. When you make a comparison between a signed and an unsigned value [and the unsigned value's type is at least as large as the signed value's type], the signed value is converted to unsigned before the comparison. This conversion causes -1 to become the largest possible value of the unsigned type. In other words, it is as if you wrote


#include <limits.h>
/* ... */
printf("%d", sizeof(signed int) > SIZE_MAX);

You can make gcc warn when you make this mistake, but it's not on by default or even in -Wall: you need -Wextra or more specifically -Wsign-compare. (This warning can produce a great many false positives, but I think it's useful to turn on for new code.)



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