I've been able to implement this change to create Field which is disabled in WTForms. How would I selectively disable a field in my view before rendering it?


3 个解决方案



If you're trying to remove a field you could look at the Removing Fields Per-instance in the documentation.


From the docs:


Sometimes, you create a form which has fields that aren’t useful in all circumstances or to all users. While it is indeed possible with form inheritance to define a form with exactly the fields you need, sometimes it is necessary to just tweak an existing form. Luckily, forms can have fields removed post-instantiation by using the del keyword:


class MagazineIssueForm(Form):
    title  = TextField()
    year   = IntegerField('Year')
    month  = SelectField(choices=MONTHS)

def edit_issue():
    publication = get_something_from_db()
    form = MagazineIssueForm(...)

    if publication.frequency == 'annual':
        del form.month`


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