So I'm tasked with making program that can tell whether a number is prime or not. I want to solve this problem using a multiple if-statement. The one that I came up with is awkward. So i just want some feedback on how to make it better.:


function primenumber(num) {
    if (num / num === 1 && num % 2 !== = 0 || num % 3 !== = 0 | num % 5 !== = 0 | num % 7 !== = 0) {
        return true;
    } else {
        return false

I figured these numbers are the lowest common denominators. So a number is prime if these numbers don't divide evenly into it. Any feedback is greatly appreciated. Keep in mind that I am new to Javascript.


1 个解决方案



I figured it out:


If((num === 1) || (num === 2) || (num === 3) || (num === 5) || (num     === 7))
{ return true;

If((num%2===0) || (num%3===0) || (num%5===0) || (num%7===0)){
return false;}
return true; 

It may not be the most sophisticated coding but it's mine and it works perfectly.. at least according to coderbyte



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