I am writing a Python 3 script that will take words in a text file and convert them into numbers (my own, not ASCII, so no ord function). I have assigned each letter to an integer and would like each word to be the sum of its letters' numerical value. The goal is to group each word with the same numerical value into a dictionary. I am having great trouble recombining the split words as numbers and adding them together. I am completely stuck with this script (it is not complete yet.

我正在编写一个Python 3脚本,它将文本文件中的单词转换为数字(我自己的,而不是ASCII,所以没有ord函数)。我已经将每个字母分配给一个整数,并希望每个单词都是其字母数值的总和。目标是将具有相同数值的每个单词分组到字典中。我很难将拆分词重新组合成数字并将它们加在一起。我完全坚持使用这个脚本(它尚未完成。

**Btw, I know the easier way of creating the l_n dictionary below, but since I've already written it out, I am a little lazy to change it for now, but will do so after the completion of the script.


l_n = {
    "A": 1, "a": 1,
    "B": 2, "b": 2,
    "C": 3, "c": 3,
    "D": 4, "d": 4,
    "E": 5, "e": 5,
    "F": 6, "f": 6,
    "G": 7, "g": 7,
    "H": 8, "h": 8,
    "I": 9, "i": 9,
    "J": 10, "j": 10,
    "K": 11, "k": 11,
    "L": 12, "l": 12,
    "M": 13, "m": 13,
    "N": 14, "n": 14,
    "O": 15, "o": 15,
    "P": 16, "p": 16,
    "Q": 17, "q": 17,
    "R": 18, "r": 18,
    "S": 19, "s": 19,
    "T": 20, "t": 20,
    "U": 21, "u": 21,
    "V": 22, "v": 22,
    "W": 23, "w": 23,
    "X": 24, "x": 24,
    "Y": 25, "y": 25,
    "Z": 26, "z": 26,

words_list = []

def read_words(file):
    opened_file = open(file, "r")
    contents = opened_file.readlines()

    for i in range(len(contents)):


    return words_list

new_words_list = list(set(words_list))

numbers_list = []
w_n = {}

def words_to_numbers(new_words_list, l_n):
    local_list = new_words_list[:]
    local_number_list = []

    for word in local_list:
        for key in l_n:
            local_number_list = local_number_list.replace( **#I am stuck on the logic in this section.**

words_to_numbers(new_words_list, l_n)

I've tried looking for an answer on stackoverflow but was unable to find an answer.


Thank you for your help.


3 个解决方案



You will have to handle punctuation but you just need to sum the value of each words letters and group them which you can do with a defaultdict:


lines = """am writing a Python script that will take words in a text file and convert them into numbers (my own, not ASCII, so no ord function).
I have assigned each letter to an integer and would like each word to be the sum of its letters' numerical value.
The goal is to group each word with the same numerical value into a dictionary.
I am having great trouble recombining the split words as numbers and adding them together"""

from collections import defaultdict

d = defaultdict(list)
for line in lines.splitlines():
    for word in line.split():
        d[sum(l_n.get(ch,0) for ch in word)].append(word)



from pprint import pprint as pp

{1: ['a', 'a', 'a'],
 7: ['be'],
 9: ['I', 'I'],
 14: ['am', 'am'],
 15: ['an'],
 17: ['each', 'each', 'each'],
 19: ['and', 'and', 'and'],
 20: ['as'],
 21: ['of'],
 23: ['in'],
 28: ['is'],
 29: ['no'],
 32: ['file'],
 33: ['the', 'The', 'the', 'the'],
 34: ['so'],
 35: ['to', 'to', 'goal', 'to'],
 36: ['have'],
 37: ['take', 'ord', 'like'],
 38: ['(my', 'same'],
 39: ['adding'],
 41: ['ASCII,'],
 46: ['them', 'them'],
 48: ['its'],
 49: ['that', 'not'],
 51: ['great'],
 52: ['own,'],
 53: ['sum'],
 56: ['will'],
 58: ['into', 'into'],
 60: ['word', 'word', 'with'],
 61: ['value.', 'value', 'having'],
 69: ['text'],
 75: ['would'],
 76: ['split'],
 77: ['group'],
 78: ['assigned', 'integer'],
 79: ['words', 'words'],
 80: ['letter'],
 85: ['script'],
 92: ['numbers', 'numbers'],
 93: ['trouble'],
 96: ['numerical', 'numerical'],
 97: ['convert'],
 98: ['Python', 'together'],
 99: ["letters'"],
 100: ['writing'],
 102: ['function).'],
 109: ['recombining'],
 118: ['dictionary.']}

sum(l_n.get(ch,0) for ch in word) gets the sum of all the letters in the word, we use that as the key and just append the word as the value. The defaultdict handles repeated keys so we end you with all the words that have the same sum grouped in lists.

sum(单词中为ch的l_n.get(ch,0))得到单词中所有字母的总和,我们将其用作键,只需将单词作为值附加。 defaultdict处理重复的键,因此我们将结束列表中具有相同总和的所有单词。

Also as John commented you can simply store a set of lowercase letters in the dict and call .lower sum(l_n.get(ch,0) for ch in word.lower())

同样,John评论说你可以简单地在dict中存储一组小写字母,并在word.lower()中为ch调用.lower sum(l_n.get(ch,0))

If you want to remove all punctuation you can use str.translate:


from collections import defaultdict
from string import punctuation
d = defaultdict(list)
for line in lines.splitlines():
    for word in line.split():
        word = word.translate(None,punctuation)
        d[sum(l_n.get(ch,0) for ch in word)].append(word)

Which would output:


{1: ['a', 'a', 'a'],
 7: ['be'],
 9: ['I', 'I'],
 14: ['am', 'am'],
 15: ['an'],
 17: ['each', 'each', 'each'],
 19: ['and', 'and', 'and'],
 20: ['as'],
 21: ['of'],
 23: ['in'],
 28: ['is'],
 29: ['no'],
 32: ['file'],
 33: ['the', 'The', 'the', 'the'],
 34: ['so'],
 35: ['to', 'to', 'goal', 'to'],
 36: ['have'],
 37: ['take', 'ord', 'like'],
 38: ['my', 'same'],
 39: ['adding'],
 41: ['ASCII'],
 46: ['them', 'them'],
 48: ['its'],
 49: ['that', 'not'],
 51: ['great'],
 52: ['own'],
 53: ['sum'],
 56: ['will'],
 58: ['into', 'into'],
 60: ['word', 'word', 'with'],
 61: ['value', 'value', 'having'],
 69: ['text'],
 75: ['would'],
 76: ['split'],
 77: ['group'],
 78: ['assigned', 'integer'],
 79: ['words', 'words'],
 80: ['letter'],
 85: ['script'],
 92: ['numbers', 'numbers'],
 93: ['trouble'],
 96: ['numerical', 'numerical'],
 97: ['convert'],
 98: ['Python', 'together'],
 99: ['letters'],
 100: ['writing'],
 102: ['function'],
 109: ['recombining'],
 118: ['dictionary']}

If you don't want duplicate words appearing then use a set:


d = defaultdict(set)
d[sum(l_n.get(ch,0) for ch in word)].add(word)


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