I am customizing an HTML page provided and hosted by a third-party, so I am severely restricted in what I can do to the page. On the page there is a navigation menu that looks like this.


<ul class='nav'>
   <li class='active'>
     <a href='/affiliate'>
       <span id='affiliate-nav-homepage'>
         <span class='default'>Home Page</span>

Question: How can I make the above snippet display the text "Home" instead of "Home Page", if all I am allowed to do is add a <style> element in the page <head>; and add some HTML code (which may include Javascript) near the start of the page?


I have a considered going down one of these two paths, but both paths are problematic.


1) Use CSS to hide their text ("Home Page"). Add my own text ("Home") using :before or :after pseudo-selectors.


display: none is probably not a good way to hide the text, because browsers that don't understand :before and :after will still understand display: none and I will end up with no text at all.


Are there better CSS alternatives for me? Change font size to 0? change text color? Manipulate z-index somehow? It is OK if some older browsers display the text "Home Page". It is not OK if some browsers display "Home Page Home", or if some browser do not display any text at all.

我有更好的CSS替代品吗?将字体大小更改为0?改变文字颜色?以某种方式操纵z-index?如果某些旧浏览器显示“主页”文本,则可以。如果某些浏览器显示“Home Page Home”,或某些浏览器根本不显示任何文本,则表示不行。

-- OR --

- 要么 -

2) Use Javascript to manipulate the DOM


The difficulty with Javascript is that I can only insert it near the start of the page body before the elements that I want to modify. I could hook an event that fires after the entire page is loaded, but I want to avoid the page text flashing (the text "Home Page" being displayed briefly and then changing to "Home"). Is there such an event and how would I hook it?


Thank you for you help.


2 个解决方案



Anti flashing fix:


.default { display: none; }

Changing text and showing, when document is ready:


body.onload = function (){

    //getElementsByClassName not working in old browsers, so ...
    var el = document.getElementById('affiliate-nav-homepage').getElementsByTagName('span')[0];

    el.innerHTML = 'Home';
    el.style.display = 'block';

Additional You can hide all content and show it after all javascript changes by this method.


This is not elegant solution, but as You say, You have limited options to resolve Your problem.



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