I'm getting an error when I insert a row and a cell, add a text (innerHTML, textContent) and a colspan. The error reads:



"TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property."



"Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property"


If I remove the text, the colspan will work and any other cells will show; if I remove the colspan, the text will show. If I try to keep both, apart from getting the error, any other cells that exist will disappear, and the colspan won't work.


Example html:

<table id ="my_table">

Example JS:

function test3() {

    //get the table id;
    var table = document.getElementById('my_table');

    //create row, cell
    var my_row = table.insertRow(-1);
    var total = my_row.insertCell(0).textContent = "my colspan text";


var total = my_row.insertCell(0).innerHTML = "my colspan text";


    total.colSpan = "4";

When I searched for this problem, I read that this exists in iOS8 and that it occurs when use in strict mode; however, if I remove "use strict", the error message will disappear, but the problem will persist. Some say it's a webkit bug, but the same thing happens in Firefox, minus the error message.

当我搜索这个问题时,我读到它存在于iOS8中并且在严格模式下使用时会出现;但是,如果我删除“use strict”,错误消息将消失,但问题将持续存在。有人说这是一个webkit错误,但同样的事情发生在Firefox中,减去错误信息。

Possibly related link: TypeError: Attempted to assign to readonly property. on iOS8 Safari

可能相关的链接:TypeError:尝试分配给readonly属性。在iOS8 Safari上

Am I doing something wrong or is there a workaround?


Addendum: a sub-optimization is to add a second cell that has no text inserted, and give it a colspan.


1 个解决方案


my_row.insertCell(0).textContent = "my colspan text" doesn't return the cell, it returns the string assigned to textContent

my_row.insertCell(0).textContent =“my colspan text”不返回单元格,它返回分配给textContent的字符串

       function test3() {

         //get the table id;
         var table = document.getElementById('my_table');

         //create row
         var my_row = table.insertRow(-1);
         //create cell
         var total = my_row.insertCell(0); 
         //set properties
         total.textContent = "my colspan text";
         total.colSpan = 4;
window.addEventListener('load', test3, false);
<table id="my_table" border="1">


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