When user turn off JavaScript then follow HTML request flow otherwise follow JS request flow.


  • HTML flow means : request as html => render html template => response as HTML ( when JavaScript off in browser )

    HTML流意味着:请求为html => render html template =>响应为HTML(当浏览器中的JavaScript关闭时)

  • JS flow means : request as JS => render JS template => response as JS ( when JavaScript on in browser )

    JS流意味着:请求JS =>渲染JS模板=>响应为JS(当浏览器中的JavaScript时)

I have one solution for that and that is :-

我有一个解决方案,那就是: -

  • I have to write code to handle both request in my all controller something like this :


    respond_to do |format|
  • I have to create both type of template js and html and render common data in it.


But in above solution, i think there is very much duplicate code like we have to write respond_to code in every controller and we have to create two copy of every page (js.html, erb.html).


So i need standard solution(if any) to handle both kind of request based on JavaScript enabled/disable in browser without any duplication.


1 个解决方案



You only need to create this block for methods that need to respond to js calls - normally these are ajax methods, and not every method in your application.

您只需要为需要响应js调用的方法创建此块 - 通常这些是ajax方法,而不是应用程序中的每个方法。

Are you really doing everything in your application by ajax? Or just a select few methods?



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