I have a table of following structure in MySQL 5.7:

我在MySQL 5.7中有一个以下结构表:

CREATE TABLE `post_like` (
  `post_title_id` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `user_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`post_title_id`,`user_name`),

and I have the following data


post_title_id    user_name

new-story        mani27
new-story        manipal
some-story       manipal

I am trying to get the count of likes for a particular story and also if a particular user has liked the story in a function likeStatus(user_name, post_title_id)


Suppose likeStatus(mani27, new-story) would result in:


count    status
2        1

I am using the following query right now and it works right:


SELECT COUNT(user_name) AS count,
COUNT(CASE WHEN `user_name` = ? THEN 1 ELSE null END) as status
FROM post_like WHERE post_title_id = ?

But this would execute the case function on all the rows in the table rather than searching the indexed column user_name.


I could use two different queries to get count and status of username liking a post, but that would take much more time than this. So, is there an optimised way to get this output?


3 个解决方案



I didn't check the query but this should give you an idea. Try Group By


SELECT COUNT(user_name) AS count,
COUNT(CASE WHEN `user_name` = ? THEN 1 ELSE null END) as status
FROM post_like GROUP BY post_title_id HAVING post_title_id=?

But this would execute the case function on all the rows in the table rather than searching the indexed column user_name


When you group by basing on post_title_id= and then applying count functions on them, number of row searches for username can be reduced to rows in that group

当您基于post_title_id =进行分组,然后对它们应用计数函数时,用户名的行搜索次数可以减少到该组中的行数


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