I have been investigating how various module concepts can be applied within NodeJS and browser applications using the the NodeJS require (obviously in NodeJS apps) and RequireJS for the web browser environment.

我一直在研究在node . js和浏览器应用程序中使用NodeJS需要(显然是在NodeJS应用程序中)以及web浏览器环境的RequireJS中,如何应用各种模块概念。

It then dawned on me that some modules may be useful for use by both the client and server applications and thus could be reused.


How can modules be developed so that they are compatible with both of these environments?


One is synchronous and one asynchronous. My first thought was to utilise the asynchronous syntax and then to define a custom module for NodeJS which simply invokes the asynchronous callback, synchronously. But how would the RequireJS-emulator be included into the cross-environment module without first using the NodeJS synchronous callback?

一个是同步的,一个是异步的。我的第一个想法是使用异步语法,然后为NodeJS定义一个自定义模块,该模块只需同步调用异步回调。但是,如果不首先使用NodeJS同步回调,如何将requirejs -仿真器包含到跨环境模块中呢?

3 个解决方案



See this post : Bridging the module gap between Node.js and browsers



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