The textbook examples of multiple unpacking assignment are something like:


import numpy as NP
M = NP.arange(5)
a, b, c, d, e = M
# so of course, a = 0, b = 1, etc.

M = NP.arange(20).reshape(5, 4)     # numpy 5x4 array
a, b, c, d, e = M
# here, a = M[0,:], b = M[1,:], etc. (ie, a single row of M is assigned each to a through e)

(My Q is not numpy specfic; indeed, i would prefer a pure python solution.)


W/r/t the piece of code i'm looking at now, i see two complications on that straightforward scenario:


  • i usually won't know the shape of M; and


  • i want to unpack a certain number of items (definitely less than all items) and i want to put the remainder into a single container


so back to the 5x4 array above, what i would very much like to be able to do is, for instance, assign the first three rows of M to a, b, and c respectively (exactly as above) and the rest of the rows (i have no idea how many there will be, just some positive integer) to a single container, all_the_rest = [].

回到上面的5 x4数组中,我很想能够做的是,例如,分配的前三行M a,b和c分别(如上图),其余的行(我不知道有多少会有,只是一些正整数)到一个容器,all_the_rest =[]。

I'm not sure if i have explained this clearly; in any event, if i get feedback i'll promptly edit my Question.


2 个解决方案



Python 3.x can do this easily:

Python 3。x可以很容易地做到这一点:

a, b, *c = someseq

Python 2.x needs a bit more work:

Python 2。x需要多做一点工作:

(a, b), c = someseq[:2], someseq[2:]


  1. 无法安装ndg-httpsclient或者我的解决方案错误
  2. Linux无法连接网络解决方案
  3. Media-S 简介(一个开源的DRM解决方案)
  4. AppScan安全问题解决方案
  5. PLSQL乱码解决方案
  6. 数据库不支持中文解决方案(mysql)
  7. Mysql替代解决方案Cassandra
  8. [置顶] Android屏幕适配解决方案
  9. 物流货运移动APP解决方案


  1. 丢失android系统库或Conversion to Dalvi
  2. 用Xamarin 实现园友的 :Android浮动小球与
  3. Android 开机log以及常见异常
  4. Android(安卓)Eventbus控件发送与接收
  5. android中解析文件的三种方式
  6. Android数据库升级
  7. Android下uid与多用户释疑(一)
  8. Android(安卓)源码解析 - ScrollView
  9. android的init实例
  10. Android 原生页面同H5交互