I have asked a question how to run a clipboard clearing command from python, and I got a good answer for that:



This seem to work in python, but there is a problem, it leaves the process open. Actually it opens 2 processes, one xclip and one with xclip -selection clipboard parameters.

这似乎在python中工作,但是有一个问题,它使进程保持打开状态。实际上它打开了2个进程,一个是xclip,另一个是xclip -selection剪贴板参数。

And it seems like they are zombie processes, they remain there indefinitely, until you copy-paste something again. After that both of them dissapear.


So I have run the script from an USB drive's directory, and it doesn't let you remove the USB drive, it says "USB drive busy", until the processes don't close.


So either I copy something new into the clipboard, otherwise the process remains there indefinitely, like a zombie.


Is it possible to just close the process after the python script ends? Since there is no reason for that process to remain open after the python script has ran.


1 个解决方案



I'd have to read xclip's source to see if the parent (your direct child) waits until the selection has been claimed to exit. If not, you would race with the actual work if you killed anything. You can use xsel -c (as was suggested in the other question); to solve just the unmounting problem, you can simply change the current directory of the child:

我必须阅读xclip的源代码,看看父母(你的直接孩子)是否等到所谓的选择被退出。如果没有,如果你杀了任何东西,你会与实际工作竞争。您可以使用xsel -c(如其他问题中所建议的那样);要解决卸载问题,您只需更改子项的当前目录:



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