I have the following problem:


I need my Python script run a bash script. In case the bash script is running more than let's say 10 seconds, I need to kill it. This is what I have so far:


cmd = ["bash", "script.sh", self.get_script_path()]
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd)

time.sleep(10)  # process running here...

procinfo = psutil.Process(process.pid)
children = procinfo.children(recursive=True)
for child in children:
    os.kill(child.pid, signal.SIGKILL)

The thing I am afraid of is this scenario: The bash script finishes in 1 second, frees its PID and the system passes the PID to another process. After 10 seconds, I kill the PID which I think it belongs to my script but it is not true and I kill some other process. The script needs to be run as root because I require chroot in it.

我担心的是这种情况:bash脚本在1秒内完成,释放其PID并且系统将PID传递给另一个进程。 10秒后,我杀死了PID,我认为它属于我的脚本,但事实并非如此,我杀死了其他一些进程。该脚本需要以root身份运行,因为我需要chroot。

Any ideas?

3 个解决方案



Since you are already using psutil I suggest you replace the calls to the subprocess module with calls to psutil.Popen. This class has the same interface of subprocess.Popen but provides all the functionality of psutil.Process.


Also note that the psutil library pre-emptively checks for PID reuse already, at least for a number of methods including terminate and kill (just read the documentation for Process).


This means that the following code:


cmd = ["bash", "script.sh", self.get_script_path()]
process = psutil.Popen(cmd)

time.sleep(10)  # process running here...

children = process.children(recursive=True)
for child in children:
    child.terminate()   # try to close the process "gently" first

Note that the documentation for children says:



Return the children of this process as a list of Process objects, preemptively checking whether PID has been reused.


In summary this means that:


  1. When you call children the psutil library checks that you want the children of the correct process and not one that happen to have the same pid
  2. 当你调用孩子时,psutil库会检查你是否想要正确进程的子进程,而不是那些碰巧拥有相同pid的进程

  3. When you call terminate or kill the library makes sure that you are killing your child process and not a random process with the same pid.
  4. 当您调用终止或终止库时,请确保您正在查杀子进程,而不是使用相同pid的随机进程。


  1. 解决僵尸进程
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  6. linux系统编程之进程(八):守护进程详解及创建,daemon()使用
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  8. linux shell脚本编程笔记(四): 获取字符串长度的七种方法
  9. 通过指令“ps -l”查看进程信息


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