Why do we need RabbitMQ when we have a more powerful network framework in Python called Twisted. I am trying to understand the reason why someone would want to use RabbitMQ.


Could you please provide a scenario or an example using RabbitMQ?


Also, where can I find a tutorial on how to use RabbitMQ?


6 个解决方案



Let me tell you a few reasons that makes using MOM (Message Oriented Middleware) probably the best choice.



It can decouple/separate the core components of the application. There is no need to bring all the benefits of the decoupled architecture here. I just want to point it out that this is one of the main requirement of writing a quality and maintainable software.



It is actually very easy to connect two totally different applications written on different languages together by using AMQP protocol. These application will talk to each other by the help of a "translator" which is MOM.



By using MOM we can scale the system horizontally. One message producer can transmit to unlimited number of message consumers a task, a command or a message for processing and for scaling this system all we need to do is just create new message consumers. Lets say we are getting 1000 pictures per second and we must resize them. Solving this problem with traditional methods could be a headache. With MOM we can transmit images to the message consumers which can do their job asynchronously and make sure data integrity is intact.


They are other benefits of using MOM as well but these 3 are the most significant in my opinion.



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