转自: http://www.uuroid.com/?p=135

如果不是从学习Android SDK中提供的那些样例代码开始,可能没有更好的方法来掌握在Android这个框架上开发。由Android的核心开发团队提供了15个优秀的示例项 目,包含了游戏、图像处理、时间显示、开始菜单快捷方式等。

2.Remote Droid

RemoteDroid是一个Android应用,能够让用户使用自己的无线网络使用无线键盘、触摸屏操作手机。这个项目为开发者提供了如网络连接、触 摸屏手指运动等很好的样例。

TorProxy应用实现了Android手机无线电电传通讯(TOR),和Shadow应用一起使用,可以使用手机匿名上网。从该项目源代码中,可以 掌握socket连接、管理cookie等方法。

4、 Android SMSPopup

5、 Standup Timer
Standup Timer应用用于控制站立会议时间,类似秒表倒计时,可以提醒每个人的讲话时间已到,从而保证每个与会者使用时间一样。从该项目的代码中,可以学会如何 使用时间函数。另外,这个项目的代码是采用视图view、模型model严格分离的设计思路。

6、 Foursquare
是Foursquare.com的一个客户端应用,该应用主要分为两个模块:API(com.joelapenna.foursquare)和界面前端 (com.joelapenna.foursquared)两部分。从该项目代码中,可以学会如何同步、多线程、HTTP连接等技术。

7、 Pedometer
Pedometer应用用于记录你每天走路步数的。尽管记录不一定精准,但是从这个项目中,可以学习几个不同的技术:加速器交互、语音更新、后台运行服 务等。

8、 OpenSudoku-android

9、 ConnectBot
ConnectBot是Android平台的一个客户端安全壳应用。从该项目代码中,可以学习到很多Android安全方面的内容,这些是你在开发应用 时经常需要考虑的安全问题。

10、 WordPress的Android应用
当然在最后不能不提WordPress的Android应用了,这是WordPress官方开发团队提供的一个项目。从代码中可以学习到XMLRPC调 用(当然还有更多的优秀内容)。

Vincent Tsao <caojunvincent@gmail.com>
官方博客也推荐过很多opensource app, 搜搜一大片

uu <wdiidw@gmail.com>

Hong <lordhong@gmail.com>
貌似WordPress也有开源的android app了

http://code.google.com/p/moonblink/ 这里面有很多有意思的东西,可以学到不少的东西.

http://code.google.com/p/fanfoudroid/ 饭否的客户端

http://code.google.com/p/andtweet/ tweet客户端



http://code.google.com/p/musikcube/ A music player

http://code.google.com/p/tramhunter/ Tram Hunter: an Android application for Melbourne's Tram Tracker service.

http://code.google.com/p/rterm/ Gesture支持,如上下左右、发表文章等常用操作可以通过touch来实现. Roiding BBS Terminal Project

http://code.google.com/p/ambienttalk/w/list An Object-oriented Event-driven Programming Language for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

http://code.google.com/p/meemidroid/ MeemiDroid is an easy to use, well integrated meemi client for android portable devices. MeemiDroid first aim is to let you share images, text and links easily from your android device all without loading the Meemi web interface


http://code.google.com/p/android-notifier/ This project sends notifications to a desktop computer when certain events happen on an Android device, such as the phone ringing, an SMS being received, or the battery running low. The notifications can be sent over Wifi, Bluetooth, or (in the future) USB.

It runs as a service on android, consuming little resources while no events are happening, and the desktop application notifies the user about the event in some way (Growl on Mac, Gnome dbus notifications on Linux, Growl for Windows or System tray alert on Windows), including information such as the number that's calling.

This is useful for people (like the developer) who wear noise-cancelling headphones, keep their cell phone in their bags, or don't want to be interrupted to look at a vibrating cell phone in a meeting.

http://code.google.com/p/geobeagle/ GeoBeagle: an Android app for geocaching and letterboxing

http://code.google.com/p/haggle/ Haggle is a networking architecture for content-centric opportunistic communication. In laymen's terms, it means that Haggle allows mobile devices to exchange content directly between themselves whenever they happen to come in close range. The content to exchange is based on the interests that users declare. Contact opportunities are unpredictable and make communication inherently asynchronous, rather than synchronous as is the case with the Internet architecture. Haggle supports both Bluetooth and WiFi connectivity.

http://code.google.com/p/finditnow/ FindItNow is an Android application designed to help you locate items and services fast. Unlike Google Maps, we operate on small-scale regions. This allows us to track restrooms, vending machines, mailboxes, and other items that none of the popular map and location apps are capable of. We have built the app to be clean, fast, and extensible, with the solitary goal of helping you find things as quickly as possible.

http://code.google.com/p/ringdroid/ An Android application for editing and creating your own ringtones, alarms, and notification sounds.

http://code.google.com/p/android-ui-utils/ Android UI Utilities

http://code.google.com/p/sparserss/ A simple rss reader for Android™

http://code.google.com/p/regalandroid/ A multi (G2, G3, Piwigo) gallery client for Android A multi (G2, G3, Piwigo) gallery client for Android

http://code.google.com/p/daily-money/ A android application helps you to record your daily expense

http://code.google.com/p/iui/ Web UI Framework for mobile devices - iOS, Android, Palm, and others


  1. 获取Android SDK 源代码并在Eclipse中关联查看的方法
  2. 如何调试跟踪Android源代码
  3. Android 使用grade实现Android 项目debug版与release版共存
  4. Android应用程序启动过程源代码分析(1)
  5. Google 将 Android 4.0.4 源代码送交 AOSP 开源项目
  6. android java代码的启动:app_process
  7. Android电子商务企业项目案例技术搜集
  8. android 开发中判断网络是否连接的代码


  1. Android开机广播和关机广播
  2. android 全屏幕显示以及竖屏显示
  3. Android(安卓)GridView 通过seletor 设置
  4. Android(安卓)和 SQLite 基本数据类型
  5. android-logging-log4j - Logging with L
  6. Android(安卓)Studio下对资源进行分包
  7. Android在WebView上构建Web应用程序
  8. 申请Android(安卓)Maps API Key,以及出现
  9. android 使用intent传递参数实现乘法计算
  10. 如何获取Android唯一标识(唯一序列号)